Video clip around Jan Satyagraha by Nao Sangkara

Video clip around Jan Satyagraha by Nao Sangkara

See the new video clip online about Jan Satyagraha!

2 Sep 2013

India’s Lower House Passes Land Acquisition Bill

India’s Lower House Passes Land Acquisition Bill

"In the footsteps of the passage of the food security bill earlier this week, India’s lower house of Parliament, the Lok Sabha, passed the ...

2 Sep 2013

Rajagopal is 2013 Coady Chair in Social Justice at St Francis Xavier University, Canada

Rajagopal is 2013 Coady Chair in Social Justice at St Francis Xavier University, Canada

"One of India's most influential social activists will spend the next two months in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Dr. John Gaventa, Director of Coady ...

26 Aug 2013

26 Aug 2013

Report of special rapporteur to the UN on indigenous people and extractive industries

Report of special rapporteur to the UN on indigenous people and extractive industries

"This is the final thematic report of James Anaya, the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, submitted to the Human Rights Council in accordance with Council resolutions 6/12 and 15/14. Building upon previous reports, it addresses the human rights concerns of indigenous peoples relating to extractive industries.(...)"

7 Aug 2013

Reflections of a gandhian activist / Réflexions d'un activiste disciple de Gandhi

Reflections of a gandhian activist / Réflexions d'un activiste disciple de Gandhi

" The major debate in this country today is about development. Some people call it the politics of development and some others call it the politics of displacement. (...)" / "Le grand débat en Inde aujourd'hui concerne le développement. Certains parlent des politiques de développement mais d'autres parlent plutôt de politiques de déplacement. (...)"
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