India’s Lower House Passes Land Acquisition Bill

India’s Lower House Passes Land Acquisition Bill

"In the footsteps of the passage of the food security bill earlier this week, India’s lower house of Parliament, the Lok Sabha, passed the ...

2 Sep 2013

Report of special rapporteur to the UN on indigenous people and extractive industries

Report of special rapporteur to the UN on indigenous people and extractive industries

"This is the final thematic report of James Anaya, the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, submitted to the Human Rights ...

26 Aug 2013

Reflections of a gandhian activist / Réflexions d'un activiste disciple de Gandhi

Reflections of a gandhian activist / Réflexions d'un activiste disciple de Gandhi

" The major debate in this country today is about development. Some people call it the politics of development and some others call it the ...

7 Aug 2013

6 Aug 2013

A safe landing for the landless in India

A safe landing for the landless in India

"Nearly half of the country's rural population is absolutely or relatively landless, according to the NationalLand Reform Policy Draft 2013 formulated by Union Ministry of Rural Development released on July 18 open for discussion and comments till August 31, the policy is going to face opposition from farmers' organisations as it proposes to take away excess land from farmers for redistribution among the landless."

5 Aug 2013

Promised land : more commitments should be done by the Indian government?

Promised land : more commitments should be done by the Indian government?

"Last October, the Ministry of Rural Development promised thousands of landless Jan Satyagraha agitators that it would draft a new land reforms policy, correct the inequitable distribution of land and safeguard the rights of traditional forest dwellers."
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