Indian Government finalises bill to provide roofs for homeless

Indian Government finalises bill to provide roofs for homeless

"(...) The bill said the right to home should be enforced within a time period as specified and in accordance with the plans to be made at the ...

22 Jul 2013

4 videos to explain the non-violent training methods of Ekta Parishad

4 videos to explain the non-violent training methods of Ekta Parishad

These 4 short videos in English language aim to explain and illustrate the training methods of the non-violent trainings of Ekta Parishad in the ...

8 Jul 2013

A long and detailes interview of Rajagopal (2009) / Un entretien long et détaillé avec Rajagopal (2009)

A long and detailes interview of Rajagopal (2009) / Un entretien long et détaillé avec Rajagopal (2009)

This long and detailed interview of Rajagopal was done by Paul Schwartzentruber in Cesci (India) in 2009. / Cet entretien long et ...

2 Jul 2013

12 Jun 2013

India cracks down on foreign funding of NGOs

India cracks down on foreign funding of NGOs

Activists accuse government of stifling their right to dissent - Article published in The Guardian Weekly (with incorporated materials from the Washington Post)

12 Jun 2013

Ashok Sircar, from Landesa, talks on women’s right to inherit land in India

Ashok Sircar, from Landesa, talks on women’s right to inherit land in India

"(...) From September through December 2012, my colleagues and I searched three Indian states looking for 120 women in any district who had inherited farmland from their parents or their husbands in the last eight years.(...)"
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