Peace walk with Rajagopal in Birmingham, UK

Peace walk with Rajagopal in Birmingham, UK

A peace walk with the Quakers Peace Hub and the Birmingham Friends of the Earth

11 Nov 2014

Ransingh Parmar's meeting with four French NGOs / La réunion de Ransing Parmar avec quatre ONGs françaises

Ransingh Parmar's meeting with four French NGOs / La réunion de Ransing Parmar avec quatre ONGs françaises

This meeting took place in the office of Solidarité, on September 29th, in Paris. / Cette réunion s'est tenue dans les locaux de ...

14 Okt 2014

Launch of the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2014 / Lancement de l'Observatoire du Droit à l'Alimentation et à la Nutrition 2014

Launch of the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2014 / Lancement de l'Observatoire du Droit à l'Alimentation et à la Nutrition 2014

At the FAO in Rome on October 8th, 2014. / A la FAO à Rome le 8 octobre 2014.

6 Okt 2014

7 Sep 2014

Rajagopal's views about the Indian planning commission / le point de vue de Rajagopal à propos de la commission de planification

Rajagopal's views about the Indian planning commission / le point de vue de Rajagopal à propos de la commission de planification

This is like throwing out the baby with the bathwater. / C'est comme jeter le bébé avec l'eau du bain.

25 Aug 2014

Creating space for women inside Ekta Parishad

Creating space for women inside Ekta Parishad

"There are a lot of women moving up to take major leadership positions and you see that leadership developing at the community levels, at the activist level, at the mass movement level, and at the higher senior levels." says Jill Carr-Harris
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