Land Rights to Women National Land Reform Policy Draft 2013

Land Rights to Women National Land Reform Policy Draft 2013

"The Union Government of India proposed land reforms for acknowledging the women rights and giving the ownership to rural poor women, according to ...

30 Jul 2013

Indian Goverment proposes a national land reform together with the task force set up after Jan Satyagraha

Indian Goverment proposes a national land reform together with the task force set up after Jan Satyagraha

Draft land reform policy proposes mechanisms to prepare a land use plan for every village, land rights for women.

24 Jul 2013

4 videos to explain the non-violent training methods of Ekta Parishad

4 videos to explain the non-violent training methods of Ekta Parishad

These 4 short videos in English language aim to explain and illustrate the training methods of the non-violent trainings of Ekta Parishad in the ...

8 Jul 2013

12 Jun 2013

Ashok Sircar, from Landesa, talks on women’s right to inherit land in India

Ashok Sircar, from Landesa, talks on women’s right to inherit land in India

"(...) From September through December 2012, my colleagues and I searched three Indian states looking for 120 women in any district who had inherited farmland from their parents or their husbands in the last eight years.(...)"

4 Jun 2013

Insights from a Youth Camp – Ekta Parishad, Katni

Insights from a Youth Camp – Ekta Parishad, Katni

"(...) 35 Ekta Parishad activists out of the state comittees from seven states gathered, including Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Bihar, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Kerala. (...)"