Videos from people's struggle against POSCO in Odisha

Videos from people's struggle against POSCO in Odisha

Source : VideoVolunteers

The following videos were done in Odisha by Video Volunteers to support the ongoing struggle of the local dwellers for their rights to land and livelihood.
Thursday, February 7, 2013/Author: Ekta Europe Admin/Number of views (58398)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: News
Interview of Rajagopal in french

Interview of Rajagopal in french

Article from Novethic

Have a look at the following interview of Rajagopal, done by Novethic in France in december 2012.
Thursday, February 7, 2013/Author: Ekta Europe Admin/Number of views (49153)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: News
Tensions around Posco and people's land rights in Odisha

Tensions around Posco and people's land rights in Odisha

Article from NDTV

See the following article about the growing tensions around land rights in Odisha (ex-Orissa, India). Your support will be called for soon, please keep yourself informed!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013/Author: Ekta Europe Admin/Number of views (55027)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: News
P.V. Rajagopal as speaker in a Conference in Dornach on February 6th

P.V. Rajagopal as speaker in a Conference in Dornach on February 6th

Allianzen für unsere Erde, February 6th-9th, Dornach (Switzerland)

P.V. Rajagopal will be a key speaker in a four days conference which will take place in Dornach, next to Basel (Switzerland) between February 6th to 9th. To read more check the programme!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013/Author: Ekta Europe Admin/Number of views (65653)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: NewsEvents
Call for global solidarity from P.V. Rajagopal

Call for global solidarity from P.V. Rajagopal

Support people's struggle around land rights in Odisha, India

I am writing to you to appeal for actions in solidarity with the people of Dhinkia and the surrounding village  whose struggle against the Korean company POSCO has taken a dangerous turn because of the government's recent actions.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013/Author: Ekta Europe Admin/Number of views (59678)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: NewsEvents
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The news page of our website is available only in english as most of the information produced is in english, and we try to keep this page to stick to the latest news about Ekta Parishad and Ekta Europe. All the other pages of this website are available in english, french and german. Enjoy the visit