Book "Thinking a food democracy" published

Book "Thinking a food democracy" published

Thinking new ways for resistance

Wednesday, April 23, 2014/Author: Ekta Europe Admin/Number of views (84322)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: News
Our Land Our Business Campaign, joined by Ekta Parishad

Our Land Our Business Campaign, joined by Ekta Parishad

CICODEV Africa, CNOP, Ekta Parishad, Green Scenery, INSAF, The Oakland Institute /The Rules and The Solidarity Movement for Ethiopia launched the campaign Our Land Our Business, to hold the World Bank accountable for its role in the rampant theft of land and resources from some of the world’s poorest people--farmers, pastoralists, and indigenous communities.
Monday, April 7, 2014/Author: Ekta Europe Admin/Number of views (107752)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: NewsEvents
Olivier de Schutter exchanges with Rajagopal and Ekta Europe - extracts

Olivier de Schutter exchanges with Rajagopal and Ekta Europe - extracts

On December 6, 2013, Ekta Europe and Ekta Parishad organised a workshop around the theme "Jan Satyagraha, one year later - what's next?".
Monday, March 31, 2014/Author: Ekta Europe Admin/Number of views (88649)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: NewsArchive
Videos Rajagopal, India and J.Y. Thinley, Bhutan / Vidéos de Rajagopal, Inde et J.Y. Thinley, Bhoutan

Videos Rajagopal, India and J.Y. Thinley, Bhutan / Vidéos de Rajagopal, Inde et J.Y. Thinley, Bhoutan

Nous avons eu la chance d'accueillir Rajagopal et J.Y. Thinley au début de ce mois en Belgique / We have had the chance, beginning of February, to welcome RAJAGOPAL and J.Y. THINLEY in Belgium
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Ekta Europe Admin/Number of views (100851)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: NewsArchive
Tuesday, February 4, 2014/Author: Ekta Europe Admin/Number of views (95251)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: NewsArchive
Languages info

The news page of our website is available only in english as most of the information produced is in english, and we try to keep this page to stick to the latest news about Ekta Parishad and Ekta Europe. All the other pages of this website are available in english, french and german. Enjoy the visit