Launch of the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2014 / Lancement de l'Observatoire du Droit à l'Alimentation et à la Nutrition 2014

6 Oct 2014

Rajagopal's views about the Indian planning commission / le point de vue de Rajagopal à propos de la commission de planification

Rajagopal's views about the Indian planning commission / le point de vue de Rajagopal à propos de la commission de planification

This is like throwing out the baby with the bathwater. / C'est comme jeter le bébé avec l'eau du bain.

7 Sep 2014

Rajagopal warns about false promises in Indian politics : article in First Post India

Rajagopal warns about false promises in Indian politics : article in First Post India

"I am waiting to see what kind of opposition will come from within the BJP to the amendments to the Land Acquisition Act. We wish that within BJP ...

28 Jul 2014

13 Jun 2014

Why 30 women rent two acres of land together

Why 30 women rent two acres of land together

Watch our new video - A group of women cultivates vegetables in a collective farming project in Jharkhand

2 Jun 2014

What to expect from Narendra Modi on indigenous people in India

What to expect from Narendra Modi on indigenous people in India

A good article from the Guardian explores the subject.
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