"Give land, take vote"

"Give land, take vote"

“In the next elections, what each party will do and what their agenda is in regard to ‘land and livelihood’, we need to check. ...

13 Mar 2013

Landless poor to rally for "right to land for shelter"

Landless poor to rally for "right to land for shelter"

"Ten thousand landless and homeless people plan to gather at Ram Lila Maidan next month in a bid to persuade the government that the “right ...

12 Mar 2013

India denies rights to women as peasants / L'Inde nie les droits des agricultrices à posséder leurs terres

India denies rights to women as peasants / L'Inde nie les droits des agricultrices à posséder leurs terres

"Il faut mettre en place des politiques agricoles tenant compte de l'égalité des sexes", plaide Olivier De Schutter, le rapporteur ...

7 Mar 2013

28 Feb 2013

Tribute to Stéphane Hessel

Tribute to Stéphane Hessel

Stéphane Hessel died yesterday in France, aged 95. Through all his life he has been a perfect illustration of the word of Gandhi "Be the change you want to see in the world".

27 Feb 2013

Interview of Rajagopal : an update about the agreement with the Indian Govt

Interview of Rajagopal : an update about the agreement with the Indian Govt

Tuesday, February 26th was the date of the meeting of the National Land Reform Task Force, to confirm and assess the progresses of the Agreement signed in last October between Jairam Ramesh, Minister for Rural Development, and the marchers of Jan Satyagraha through Rajagopal. Please see below an interview published on the same day to give an update on this process.
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