Why 30 women rent two acres of land together

Why 30 women rent two acres of land together

Watch our new video - A group of women cultivates vegetables in a collective farming project in Jharkhand

13 Jun 2014

What to expect from Narendra Modi on indigenous people in India

What to expect from Narendra Modi on indigenous people in India

A good article from the Guardian explores the subject.

2 Jun 2014

Rajagopal in Spain and France / Rajagopal en Espagne et en France

Rajagopal in Spain and France / Rajagopal en Espagne et en France

Rajagopal has just completed a short tour around Europe, promoting the ideas of land rights and non-violent struggles. / Rajagopal vient de ...

12 May 2014

23 Apr 2014

Book "Thinking a food democracy" published

Book "Thinking a food democracy" published

Thinking new ways for resistance

7 Apr 2014

Ekta Parishad and SEWA nominated for Nobel Peace Prize 2014

Ekta Parishad and SEWA nominated for Nobel Peace Prize 2014

Two groups working with and on behalf of marginalized  women workers and poor landowners in India have been nominated by AFSC for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize.

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