International rights bodies condemn POSCO land grab

International rights bodies condemn POSCO land grab

The international solidarity has been very strong around the anti-POSCO struggle in India. Please see below an article from the Times of India ...

20 févr. 2013

Jan Satyagraha process update - January 2013

Jan Satyagraha process update - January 2013

Please find the document relating the latest updates concerning the Jan Satyagraha process in english here.

14 févr. 2013

The situation in Odisha is calming down as solidarity is rising, but remains precarious

The situation in Odisha is calming down as solidarity is rising, but remains precarious

Since February 11th the situation seems to be calming down in the anti-POSCO struggle in Odisha. The government agreed to stop the land ...

14 févr. 2013

7 févr. 2013

Videos from people's struggle against POSCO in Odisha

Videos from people's struggle against POSCO in Odisha

The following videos were done in Odisha by Video Volunteers to support the ongoing struggle of the local dwellers for their rights to land and livelihood.

5 févr. 2013

Tensions around Posco and people's land rights in Odisha

Tensions around Posco and people's land rights in Odisha

See the following article about the growing tensions around land rights in Odisha (ex-Orissa, India). Your support will be called for soon, please keep yourself informed!
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