Jan Satyagraha +1 : the latest updates on the 10 point agreement signed one year ago

Jan Satyagraha +1 : the latest updates on the 10 point agreement signed one year ago

The Jan Satyagraha March for Justice ended one year ago with the signature of an agreement in 10 points between the marchers, represented by ...

11 Okt 2013

One year after the March for Justice : meeting with AVI in London

One year after the March for Justice : meeting with AVI in London

8 Okt 2013

New land acquisition law can weaken Maoists, says Ramesh

New land acquisition law can weaken Maoists, says Ramesh

"Kolkata : The new land acquisition act passed by parliament will weaken the hold of the Maoist rebels if it was effectively implemented by the ...

3 Okt 2013

2 Okt 2013

Eight independent UN human rights experts call for immediate halt to POSCO steel project / Huit experts indépendants des droits humains des Nations unies appellent à l'arrêt immédiat du projet POSCO

Eight independent UN human rights experts call for immediate halt to POSCO steel project / Huit experts indépendants des droits humains des Nations unies appellent à l'arrêt immédiat du projet POSCO

India: Urgent call to halt Odisha mega-steel project amid serious human rights concerns / Inde: Appel urgent de mettre un terme au projet acier méga Orissa au milieu des préoccupations graves des droits humains

9 Sep 2013

Canada : Public Lecture "Religion, Dialogue, and Peace: Roots and Prospects on Non-Violent Social Action"

Canada : Public Lecture "Religion, Dialogue, and Peace: Roots and Prospects on Non-Violent Social Action"

Mr. Rajagopal P.V., Coady Institute Chair in Social Justice, will give a public lecture on "Religion, Dialogue, and Peace: Roots and Prospects on Non-Violent Social Action" September 25, 2013 at 7 P.M. in the Schwartz Auditorium hosted by the Religious Studies Department
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